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Characteristics of Life

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Plants reproduce.
A river adapts and responds to its environment so why isn't it living?
It is not made up of cells.
Name one reason why cork is considered a living thing.
It is made of cells, and all other characteristics.
Give an example of a human responding to a stimuli.
various answers.
A cat jumps because there is a cucumber on the ground is an example of responding to a stimuli.
Give an example of how plants use energy.
Photosynthesis- using the sun to create food
A boy grows facial hair is an example of growth and development.
A fire growing larger because fuel is added is an example of growth and development.
A snowball rolling downhill and getting larger is an example of growth and development.
Humans sweating is an example of which characteristic of life?
Maintaining homeostasis
Is bacteria considered living?
Is fire considered living?
A _______ is the basic structure of life.
Birds migrating south for the winter is which characteristic of life?
Respond to their environment
All living things are made up of ___________
The ability to move is one of the characteristics of life.