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3ESO review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 10 jobs
Name 7 means of transport
car, ferry, motorbike, scooter, shop, taxi, underground
What are the opposites of the following words? old-fashioned, simple, wonderful
modern/trendy, difficult, horrible
What are the opposites of the following adjectives? boring, quick, noisy
interesting/exciting, slow, quiet
Which words can you use to talk about the picture? countryside, field, volcano, grass, ground, hill, leaf, path, island, river, rock, sky, canyon, tree, forest, rainforest
countryside, field, grass, ground, hill, leaf, path, river, rock, sky, tree
Low place in between higher areas: v_ _ _ _ y
Places with sand in them: s_ _ _ d_ _e, d_ _ _ r_ , b_ _ _h
sand dune, desert, beach
High geographical features: m_ _ _ t_ _ _, v_ _ _ _ _ o
mountain, volcano
Places next to water: c_ a_ _ _, i_ _ a_d
coast, island
Places with water in them: w_t_ _ f_ _ _, l_ _e, o_e_ _
waterfall, lake, ocean
Who is the most____________ person in the class? María, she always does all the work!
Use the word "confident" in a sentence
"Tiny, narrow and wide" are 3 adjectives used to describe... size, appearance, personality, or emotions?
size and appearance
If a person always tells things as they are, this person is...
Which of the following are reptiles? bird, snake, turtle, crocodile, platypus
snake, turtle, crocodile
Which of the following are fish? mouse, shark, sheep, whale
Which of the following are mammals? cow, horse, dolphin, duck, shark
cow, horse, dolphin
Which of these animals are insects? bee, beetle, butterfly, fly
All of them
Which of the following animals are amphibians? frog, shark, giraffe, whale
Name 4 living beings you can find under the sea
whale, shark, fish, coral reef, dolphin, killer whale, starfish, sea-horse, etc.
Name 5 wild animals
tiger, lion, zebra, whale, cheetah...