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Strongly advocating health foods, Jane doesn’t eat any chocolate.(advocating - opposite in meaning to?) A. supporting B. impugning C. advising D. denying
Unless the two signatures are identical, the bank won’t honor the check. (identical - opposite in meaning to?) A. similar B. different C. fake D. genuine
She had a cozy little apartment in Boston. (cozy - opposite in meaning to?) A. uncomfortable B. warm C. lazy D. dirty
The International Organizations are going to be in a temporary way in the country. (temporary - opposite in meaning to?) A. soak B. permanent C. complicated D. guess
His career in the illicit drug trade ended with the police raid this morning . (illicit - opposite in meaning to?) A. elicited B. irregular C. secret D. legal
Let’s wait here for her; I’m sure she’ll turn up before long. (turn up - closest in meaning to?) A. arrive B. return C. enter D. visit
Around 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to classify stars according to brightness. (classify - closest in meaning to?) A. record B. shine C. categorize D. diversify
Ralph Nader was the most prominent leader of the U.S consumer protection movement. (prominent - closest in meaning to?) A. casual B. significant C. promiscuous D. aggressive
Though many scientific breakthroughs have resulted from mishaps, it has taken brilliant thinkers to recognize their potential. (mishaps-closest to) A.accidents B. misunderstandings C.incidentals D.misfortunes
I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry. (home and dry - closest in meaning to? ) A. hopeless B. hopeful C. successful D. unsuccessful
I’ll take the new job whose salary is fantastic. ( fantastic - closest in meaning to?) A. reasonable B. acceptable C. pretty high D. terrific
The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for the examination. (suggestions - closest in meaning to?) A. effects B. symptoms C. hints D. demonstrations
He was asked to account for his presence at the scene of crime. (account for - closest in meaning to?) A. complain B. exchange C. explain D. arrange