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High Tech World
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What's my password? I need to ____ to Facebook. A. crash B. log in C. install
B. log in
We have a science ___ at school, but I don't like doing experiments, I prefer maths. A. engineer B. research C. lab
C. lab
Tony _____ with different designs for the website on his laptop. A. developed B. experimented C. installed
B. experimented
A lot of ____ has been made in the development of computer technology, A. protest B. progress C. process
B. progress
He couldn't ____ the game because his laptop had crashed. A. install B. process C. log in
A. install
I love uploading pictures from my ____ onto my laptop and then editing them. A. remote control B. camera C. Satnav
B. camera
_____ are better than tablets for word processing. A. Satnavs B. Laptops C. USB sticks
B. Laptops
What size ____ do I need for the remote, dad? A. microchips B. batteries C. gadgets
B. Batteries
Complete the sentence: The scientist in the _____ realised that they had to do a different _____ to find the answer to their question.
lab, test
Complete the sentence: The _____ who works in my department is doing _____ on a new kind of technology.
engineer, research
Complete the sentence: Home computer _____ the world they first came out and most of us can't remember what life was before they were ______.
revolutionised , developed
Complete the sentence: I don't understand how this ______ works - where's the _______ for it.
gadget, instructions
Complete the sentence: I've just bought this game for my computer and I want to ______ it, but I'm worried that it's going to make my computer ______ again.
install, crash
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USB stick
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Remote Control
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