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How can you explain this word? Can you find examples in the story?
(various answers)
What's this?
Uncle Henrik's boat. Where they hid the jews and took them to Sweden.
How is this theme present in the story?
Various answers
How can you see evidence of this?
Annemarie grows when she realises that they have to do something really important, dangerous and scary for their friends.She becomes more mature
Can you mention lies that were told in the story?
Lying to the soldiers. Parents to children. Annemarie to Ellen. Annemarie to the soldiers and more...
What was this in the story?
The newspaper that the Resistance wrote and distributed
What's this? Say as much as you can about it
Star of David (symbol of Jewish religion). Ellen had one and Annemarie took it to hide it from the nazis.
What's this? What's its role in the story?
It's a coffin. It appears when there is a fake funeral at uncle Henriks house. It was full of clothes for the Jews
Who are they? Give details about them
Annemarie and Ellen. They're best friends. One is Christian, the other is Jewish. etc
Who's this little girl? Talk about her.
Kirsti was Annemarie's little sister. She was talkative and a bit spoilt. She wasn't scared of anything
What's this? talk about its role in the story
Handkerchief. The one in the basket had the drug that made dogs lose their sense of smell
What does this represent? What's its connection to the story?
Silence. There were lots of secrets (expand)
What can you say about these men?
They are German nazis, one of them is Hitler, their leader.
What can you say about this map?
It shows Denmark, and also part of Sweden.
What's this place?
It's Uncle Henrik's house in the country