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Simple present review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Do / Does) they play soccer every friday?
Do they play soccer every friday?
(Do / Does) we go to the same school?
Do we go to the same school?
(Does / Do) she eat vegetables?
Does she eat vegetables?
(Do / Does) he (plays / play) soccer?
Does he play soccer?
(Does / Do) you like coconut?
Do you like coconut?
(Do / Does) I run fast?
Do I run fast?
They (doesn't / don't) go to the same school
They don't go to the same school.
We (doesn't / don't) go to the park every Saturday.
We don't go to the park every Saturday.
It (does / doesn't) smell like cheese.
It doesn't smell like cheese.
It (smell / smells) like cheese.
It smells like cheese.
She ( doesn't / don't) have 10 years old.
She doesn't have 10 years old.
He (don't / doesn't) like to play basketball.
He doesn't like to play basketbal
You (doesn't / don't) have a red car.
You don't have a red car.
I (don't / doesn't) like to eat candies.
I don't like to eat candies.
They (cooks / cook ) dinner together.
They cook dinner together.
We ( sing / sings) karaoke on family parties.
We sing karaoke on family parties.
She (jump / jumps) rope with her friends.
She jumps rope with her friends.
He ( eat / eats) fruits everyday.
He eats fruits everyday.
You ( play / plays ) soccer everyday.
You play soccer everyday.
I ( run / runs ) really fast.
I run really fast.