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I jump from tree to tree. I have a long tail. I love to eat bananas. What am I?
I live in the ocean. I have a hard shell. I walk side ways. I have 2 claws that pinch. What am I?
I can fly. I am a colorful bird. I can whistle. I can talk. What am I?
I look like a fish. I live in the sea. I have very sharp teeth. I am attracted by the smell of blood. What am I?
I am grey. I swim in the sea in large groups. You may have seen some of my friends at attraction parks like Sea World. Hang on to my fin and I will take you for a swim. What am I?
I am a wild cat. I am yellow with black spots. I am the fastest animal on earth. What am I?
I am a large bird. I am white. I have a long neck. Some might call me graceful. What am I?
I live in Africa. I have 4 legs. I am big and grey. I live in the river. What am I?
I live in Asia. I am a big cat. I am orange with black stripes. What am I?
I live in Africa. I have a long neck and small ears. I eat tree leaves. What am I?
I live in Australia. I hop on 2 legs. I carry my baby in my pouch. What am I?
I have 6 legs and 2 sets of wings. I live near the water. I have a long body. Sometimes I am shiny blue, or I might be yellow. I can be any color under the rainbow. What am I?
I live in America. I look like a bandit. I like garbage. I ham mostly grey with a long, striped tail. What am I?
I am a bird. I can run very fast. I have wings but can not fly. I lay large eggs. What am I?
I live near the water. I have a long, flat tail. I have sharp teeth. I build dams. What am I?
I can fly. I have 6 legs. I am yellow and black. I collect honey. What am I?
bumble bee
I'm a wild animal. I hunt in packs. I howl. I look like a dog. What am I?
You can ride me. I live in the desert. I don't drink often. I have a hump. What am I?
I live on the farm. I look like a horse, but have longer ears. I bray or say "Hee-haw!" What am I?
I eat grass. I am black and white. I live in Africa. I look like a horse. What am I?
I have 2 legs and 2 wings. I live on the farm. I lay eggs. I cluck. What am I?
I can swim. I have 8 arms. I can change color. I live in the ocean. What am I?
I am often red and have a fluffy tail. I live in the field. I am cunning and sly. I love to eat chickens. What am I?
I live in China. I am black and white. I eat bamboo. I am a type of bear. What am I?
I can fly. I am not a bird. I sleep in the daytime. I am black. What am I?
I am small. I can be scary. I have eight legs. I spin a web. What am I?
I am golden-brown. I have a mane. I live in Africa. I roar. What am I?
I am a bird, but my wings are too small to fly. I am covered in black and white feathers. What am I?
I hiss. I can be poisonous. I am long. I have a forked tongue. What am I?
I eat insects. I live in a pond. I hop. I am small and green. What am I?
I am small. I have feathers. I live in a nest. I can sing and I can fly. What am I?
I have a mane. I whinny. You can ride me. I live in a barn. What am I?
I am pink. I like mud and dirt. I give you bacon. I oink. What am I?
I have 4 legs. I am grey. I have tusks. I have a long nose. What am I?
I am a pet. I like mice. I have 9 lives. I purr and meow. What am I?
I can swim and dive. I can fly. I have 2 wings and 2 legs. I say "quack!" What am I?
I live on the farm. I give milk. I have horns. I say moo. What am I?
Sometimes I live in the house. I eat everything. I am small and grey. Cats eat me. What am I?
I eat vegetables. I can run fast. I can be a pet. I have long ears. What am I?
bunny rabbit
I have 4 legs. I am a pet. I hate cats. I bark. What am I?