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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They ______ video games, when their mom called to _______ the dishes.(play, wash)
were playing | washed
Mary ______ lunch when they ______. (prepare, come)
was preparing | came
Last weekend Susan ______ when______ her leg. (walk, break)
was walking | broke
 my father _______ a bike when he _____ two robbers run out of the bank. (ride, see)
was riding | saw
when It _______ to rain, they _______ for the bus.(start, wait)
started | were waiting
The phone ______ when David ______ a shower. (ring, have)
was ringing | had
I _______ when I ______ off the bed. (sleep, fall)
was sleeping | fell
When I ______ Kate, she _____ a black dress. (meet, wear)
met | was wearing
 they _________ home when they ______ an accident. (go, have)
were going         had
When  we _____ an accident, we ______ to Mexico ( see, drive)
saw          were driving 
When I _____ Martha at the party she _____ to Juliet. (see, not talk)
saw | wasn't talking
John _______ asleep when I _______ a book. (fall,read)
was falling | read
She ______ the road when I ____ her. (cross, see)
was crossing | saw
my father _________ when he ______ a beautiful bird. (run, see)
was running | saw
I _______ a book when you ______ me. (read, call)
was reading | called
She ________ very fast when she _______ the tree. (run, crash)
was running | crashed
When Alex ______, I _______ dinner. (arrive, have)
arrived | was having dinner