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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you think the girl on the stool doing?
She is reciting poetry.
What is this cat doing?
He is riding a horse.
What is this cow doing?
She is ice skating.
What is this parrot doing?
He (it) is playing the guitar and singing.
What is this monkey doing?
He (it) is painting.
What is this tiger doing?
He (it) is writing / drawing.
What is this panda doing?
He (it) is playing computer games / surfing Internet.
Can this monkey use glasses properly?
No, she can't (cannot).
What can this kitten do?
It can surf the Internet / use the computer.
What can these dogs do?
They can surf.
Can they play chess? What can they play?
No, they can't (cannot). They can play table tennis.
What can they do?
They can play chess.
What can they do?
They can act.
What can she do?
She can play the guitar and sing.
What can she do?
She can play the harp.
What can he do?
He can sing / recite poetry.
Он умеет ездить на лошади? - Нет.
Can he ride a horse? - No, he can't (cannot).
Его сёстры умеют играть в теннис? - Да.
Can his sisters play tennis? - Yes, they can.
Твой брат умеет играть на пианино? - Нет.
Can your brother play the piano? - No, he can't (cannot).
Твой папа умеет говорить по-французски? - Нет.
Can your dad speak French? - No, he can't (cannot).
Ты и твои друзья умеете говорить по-английски? - Да.
Can you and your friends speak English? - Yes, we can.
Ты умеешь плавать? - Да.
Can you swim? - Yes, I can.
Моя сестра умеет танцевать, но она не умеет кататься на коньках.
My sister can dance, but she can't (cannot) ice skate.
Джон умеет рисовать красками, но он не умеет играть на гитаре.
John can paint, but he can't (cannot) play the guitar.
Мы умеем рисовать, но мы не умеем сочинять (=писать) истории.
We can draw, but we can't (cannot) write stories.
Моя бабушка умеет пользоваться компьютером, но она не умеет играть в компьютерные игры.
My grandma can use the computer, but she can't (cannot) play computer games.
Барбара умеет играть в театре, но она не умеет петь.
Barbara can act, but she can't (cannot) sing.
Я умею плавать, но я не умею нырять.
I can swim, but I can't (cannot) dive.