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Metaphors for Middle School Speech Therapy
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the world revolving around you mean?
means you think your problems are more important than others'
What does the world is your oyster mean?
you can do anything or whatever you want
What does light of my life mean?
something/someone that you really love
What does words cut deeper than a knife mean?
words can hurt you a lot more than actions
What does time is money mean?
your time is precious and you should spend it wisely
What does laughter is the best medicine mean?
laughing can help you feel better if you're feeling down
What does life is a maze mean?
life is confusing and has twists and turns
What does it mean to be left in the dust?
to be outdone or left far behind by someone or something
What does it mean to have a heart of gold?
good and kind natured, generous
What does it mean to be nitpicky?
overly picky, overly focused on unimportant details
What does it mean to split hairs?
find small reasons to be angry
What does it mean to march to the beat of your own drummer?
be unique, different from others
What does it mean to wear your heart on your sleeve?
make your feelings obvious/clear
What does it mean to be an "open book"?
Easy to read
What does having a "heart of stone" mean?
cold-hearted, uncaring