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Scientific Revolution Test Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Looking at the world in a rational, reasonable, and logical way is called what?
What is science?
a particular way of gaining knowledge about the world
According to Descartes, what does knowledge begin with?
What are the six steps of the Scientific Method?
1. State the problem 2.Gather information 3.Form a hypothesis 4.Test the hypothesis/conduct experiment 5.Record/analyze data 6.Draw conclusions
How do scientists determine whether or not a theory is true?
Theories must be tested to see if they are true. Scientists design experiments to test their theories.
What are some reasons that led to the conflict between science and the church?
Contradictions between teachings of the new science and traditional church teachings; church officials’ fear that they would lose their authority
What did philosophers choose to use when considering society’s problems?
What qualities did Greek rationalists have?
rational, or reasonable and logical
Why is the Scientific Revolution referred to as a revolution?
Science was a radical new idea. It was a completely different way of looking at the world.
English philosopher who argued for systematic scientific research and developed the scientific method
Francis Bacon
French philosopher who argued for clear thinking and reason to establish proof
Rene Descartes
This Danish astronomer who made detailed charts of the stars’ movements
Tycho Brahe
What is a barometer?
an instrument that measures air pressure
What is a solution that a scientist proposes to solve a problem?
What is an explanation developed by scientists to explain observable facts called?
The sun is at the center of the universe under what theory?
Heliocentric Theory
The earth is at the center of the universe under what theory?
Geocentric Theory
What was the Scientific Revolution?
A series of events that led to the birth of modern science
What is the step-by-step process for conducting research?
scientific method
Who created the laws of motion and gravity?
Isaac Newton
Who was put on trial for being a heretic (going against church teachings)?
Who created the Heliocentric Theory?
Nicolaus Copernicus