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quizz 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: The sun provides energy
True or false: Preys are animals that are hunt by other animals.
True or false: A carnivore eats plants.
In the food chain, plants are called ____ and animals are consumers.
Contamination is a ____ for the rivers and lakes.
Que need to drink water to _____.
The animals that eat only meat are called ____.
The animals that eat only plants are called ____.
I wear sunglasses to protect myself from _____.
What is the suffix in the word useless?
What is the suffix in the word powerful?
What is the suffix in the word slowly?
What is the suffix in the word rainy?
What is the suffix in the word sadly?
What is the suffix in the word quickly?
What is the suffix in the word homeless?
What is the suffix in the word painful?
What is the suffix in the word carless?
You ___ come to my house today if you want
I ____ be outside right now, I need to finish my homework.
___ I go to the party tomorrow?
If you ___ (get) back late, I ___ (be) angry.
get, will be
If the weather ____ (not/improve) , we ____ (not/have) a picnic.
doesn't improve, won't have
He ____ (not/get) a better job if he _____ (not/pass) that exam.
won't get, doesn't pass
They ____ (go) to the party if they____ (be) invited.
will go, are