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Who went for a lot of walks?
Conner Morrill
Who saw "DC Superpets", "Minions: Rise of Gru", "Thor: Love of Thunder" and "The Black Phone" in the movie theater?
Conner Morrill
Who went to Bertucci's in Boston?
Connor Pearson
Who can't wait for skiing in winter?
Mrs. Sharpe
Who pretended to the be a guidance counselor for a free trip to Endicott College and the beach?
Mrs. Kidney
Who went to a wedding in Buffalo, New York?
Mrs. Kidney
Who prepared to get their landscaping business ready for winter?
Conner Pearson
Who spent time in their pool or their neighbors pool?
Conner Pearson and Cooper Kearns
Mrs. Kidney and Mrs. S
Idonia and her turtle
Caleb Reale
Who went to the zoo with Nanny?
Idonia Robison
Who hated job sampling at Old Navy and Giordanos
Caleb Reale
Who went swimming in a lake and claims they were bit by a piranha. (sunfish)
Mrs. Fountain
Who went to Daniel's cape house?
Conner Morrill and Cooper Kearns
Conner Morrill and Mrs. Kidney
Cooper Kearns and Conner Kearns
Idonia's turtle
Who is an avid bike rider that gets a coffee shake while biking riding?
Mrs. Sharpe
Who liked taking care of turtles the wildlife sanctuary
Idonia Robison
Who went on cruise to Bermuda?
Caleb Reale
Who saw Mrs Kidney at a concert at Xfinity?
Connor Pearson
Who went to Maine all summer and Paddle boarded?
Mrs. Fountain