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Irregular verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Il ne m'a pas montré ses devoirs.
He did not show me his homework.
Quand as-tu coupé tes cheveux ?
When did you cut your hair ?
Est-ce que les cours ont commencé ?
Did (the) classes start ?
Harry a attrapé la balle.
Harry caught the ball.
Je n'ai pas dormi la nuit derniĂšre.
I did not sleep last night.
Les Ă©lĂšves sont venus tĂŽt [early].
The students/pupils came early.
Les Etats-Unis n'ont pas construit de mur Ă  la frontiĂšre [border] mexicaine.
The United States (US) did not build a wall at the Mexican border.
Cameron a donné de l'argent à Vicky.
Cameron gave money to Vicky.
Est-ce qu'ils sont tombés dans le piÚge [trap] ?
Did they fall in the trap ?
Il n'a pas bu aujourd'hui.
He did not drink today.
Est-ce que tu as coupé les légumes ?
Did you cut the vegetables ?
Choose, chose, chosen (choisir)
Catch, caught, caught (attraper)
Can, could, been able to (pouvoir)
Buy, bought, bought (acheter)
Burn, burnt, burnt (brûler)
Build, built, built (construire)
Bring, brought, brought (apporter)
Break, broke, broken (casser)
Begin, began, begun (commencer)
Be, was/were, been (ĂȘtre)