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Phonics Test 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this a sentence?: The pup is glad.
Yes (who- the pup/ what- is glad)
Is this a sentence?: Will fall off the cone.
No (we don't know who or what will fall off the cone)
Is this a sentence?: Is melting.
No (we don't know what is melting)
Is this a sentence?: It is a cold, sweet snack.
Yes (who- it/ what- is a cold, sweet snack)
Is this a sentence?: Blake has a treat.
Yes (who- Blake/ what- has a treat)
Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: be
e in me
Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: Hands
see pic
Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: fox
see pic
Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: bay
ay in pray
Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: my
y in fly
Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: dive
See pic
Circle special sounds. Mark vowels: go
o in go
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: Dipping
di (smile over i)
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: Butterfly
bu (smile over u)
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: rocking
ro (smile over o)
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: letter
le (smile over e)
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: cube
cu (line over u)
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: mail
ma (long a)
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: tide
ti (line over i)
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: Feel
fe (line over e)
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: Boat
bo (line over o)
Write the blend in the word and mark the vowel: sad
sa (smile over “a)