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Bon Quiz - War Horse play

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Act 1 scene 2: 4. How do you think the audience views Ted after the scene? What are some characteristics you would associate with Ted?
Act 1 scene 2: 3. This scene introduces the audience to Arthur and Ted Narracott. Using evidence from the play describe their relationship.
Act 1 scene 1: Refer to page 9 of the play: “Baby Joey emerges. He calls out. He feeds himself. He investigates his vicinity. Everything is new. We get to know him.” Why do you think the director begins the play by showing baby Joey?
Act 1 scene 18: 13. What does Billy’s current state tell us about the conditions of war? Give examples from the text.
Act 1 scene 18: 12. How has Joey been treated in the war up until this point?
Act 1 scene 18: 11. What is the significance of having the act end with the men and horses jumping over the barbed wire?
Act 1 scene 17: 10. What does Albert assume about Joey when he hears of the death of Major Nicholls and why would he think this?
Act 1 scene 17: 9. Why is Albert upset with his father, Ted, at the beginning of the scene?
Act 1 scene 16: 7. What does their reaction to the use of machine guns by the German army tell us about the type of weapons being used in the war until that point?
Act 1 scene 16: 6. What is the purpose of the bugler?
Act 1 scene 12: 4. Comment on the relationship between Topthorn and Joey when they first start interacting.
Act 1 scene 11: 3. Refer to page 47, “But how long will he be gone? A few months at most” What is the significance of this quote when we look at World War 1?
Act 1 scene 11: 1. Why would Billy be uneasy about signing up to fight in the war? 2. On the other hand, why are Greig and Bone so enthusiastic about signing up to joining the war?
Act 2 scene 10: what character dies soon after Topthorn?
Act 2 scene 10: 13. Why do you suppose Topthorn collapses and dies?
Act 2 scene 9: 12. Emilie and Albert meet. Coco is killed by Albert. Why does he kill Coco, the horse?
Act 2 scene 8: 10. What foreshadowing earlier in the play (similar event) is echoed here as Joey pulls the gun on his own?
Act 2 scene 7: What is a deserter, in the army? Give an example of one.
Act 2 scene 7: 7. Where does Frederick lead Emilie and Paulette and the horses?
Act 2 scene 6: 6. Provide two names for the Germans?
act 2 scene 5: 4. What is the ‘big push’?
Act 2 scene 5: 3. Why would the army promote Albert to Colonel, so young?
Act 2 scene 13: 8. The Armstice is signed on the same day that Albert and Joey are reunited. Do you think this is a coincidence? Why or why not? Give an explanation for your answer.
Act 2 scene 13: 7. Upon hearing the commotion about a horse, Albert makes an owl call. Why does he do this?
Act 2 scene 13: 6. Discuss Albert’s attitude while being treated by the nurses after suffering temporary blindness after a gas attack.
Act 2 scene 12: 5. “Two of us and only one horse. We must be careful not to start a war, eh?” Explain the irony in Geordie’s words.
Act 2 scene 11: what has happened to Joey?
Act 2 scene 1 pg 66: What was the “Yeomanry mob”?
Act 2 scene 2: 2. What does it mean when Schnabel says, “We’re requisitioning” the farm?
Act 2 scene 2 pg 71: 3. Why is Friedrich so impressed with Topthorn and Joey?
Act 2 scene 2: 4. How has the language barrier between the soldiers contributed to the chaos in the scene?
Scene 4 pg 82 3. Friedrich is struggling with his identity in this scene. Describe the conflict he feels and why this is so.
How do David and Albert find the strength to carry on through the despair of the trenches?
1. Albert and David are engaged in trench warfare in this scene. Describe what it was like to be involved in trench warfare. What were the trenches like? What were the conditions?