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Remote house in the West of Scotland

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is Scotland's largest city, Edinburgh or Glasgow?
Name one of the main ingredients of black pudding.
Fat, onion, cow or pigs blood, animal intestine.
What date is Hogmanay in Scotland?
New Years Eve - 31st December
Tossing the caber is a traditional Scottish Highland athletics event. What is the Caber? a) A pole b) A ball C) A car
a) A pole
Scottish men usually 'go commando' under their kilts. What does 'going commando' mean?
Not wearing underwear.
What is Scotland's national instrument?
What is the population of Scotland?
About 5 million.
What colours are the scottish flag?
Blue and white.
What is the flower of Scotland?
Who is the first minister of Scotland?
Nicola Sturgeon.
What is a cottage?
A small house, typically in the country.
What does remote mean?
A place far away from main centres of population.
What does self-catering mean?
Holiday accommodation that offers facilities for people to cook their own meals.
Where does Nessie live?
Loch Ness
What is a loch?
A lake.
What is the capital of Scotland?