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In which of the layers do animals like mammals, birds and reptiles usually move?
The canopy layer.
The bottom layer in the rainforests is called...
Forest floor
What is the layer in which the branches and leaves of most of the trees join up to form a kind of an umbrella? ?
The canopy layer.
What is the layer beyond the canopy layer?
The understory layer.
What is the layer that contains about 80% of life in the rainforest.?
The canopy layer.
What is the layer that contains the top of the tallest trees?
Emergent layer.
Name at least 2 different layers found in tropical rainforests.
Emergent layer, canopy layer, understory layer, and forest floor.
How many layers are there in the tropical rainforests?
4 layers.
True or false: Tropical forests are full of many tall trees and leafy plants.
True or false: They are found in cold places.
Name 2 characteristics of the rainforests
They're damp and humid.