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Impact 2 Reading

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A teenager loves to draw and paint. What skill is she practicing?
creativity / ???
(2) The writer says the information and skills that our brains use are like the _______ of a map.
(2) True or false: as you get older, your brain removes information that your brain doesn't need anymore.
(2) You can't see the changes happening in your ______.
(4) With everything you do now, you are ________ your brain for the future.
(3) Video games could prepare you for jobs like __________ because you become good at responding quickly with your hands.
fighter pilot / surgeon
(4) Correct the information in (): When you are a/an (adult) it is the best time to practice new skills and find what you're good at.
adolescent / teenager
(1) Correct the information in (): As you become a teenager you learn to (read maps).
take risks / solve problems/ become independent / make desicions