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Diagon Alley is in which UK city?
Which Hogwarts professor do we see looking angry in the final Lego set picture?
Professor Severus Snape
How many flying white horses are pulling the carriage in the Harry Potter Lego set?
What does Taylor Swift love making?
Snow Globes
What does Mike Tyson race?
What is the Lego man on the frozen pond holding?
Ice hockey stick
Name one of the Lego sea creatures you've seen.
Shark; Crab
What does diver Tom Daley enjoy doing to relax?
What colour is the Easter chick in the Lego egg?
Where did Chris buy the Hans Christian Andersen Lego set?
What did Zendaya make for Christmas gifts?
What is Tom Holland into?
Puzzling - Jigsaw Puzzles
What does Quintin Tarantino collect?
Board Games
What is Beyonce's hobby?
Bee-keeping [Bee-yonce?!]
What does AFOL stand for?
Adult Fan of Lego