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Present perfect continuous

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I / wash up.
I’ve been washing up.
They / cook since this morning
They've been cooking since this morning
I / volunteer in the community
I've been volunteering in the community
I/help for a year.
I’ve been helping for a year.
We /make lunch.
We’ve been making lunch.
It / rain hard all day.
It’s been raining hard all day.
We /set up the exhibition together
We’ve been setting up the exhibition together
You not/listen.
You haven’t been listening!
Alex / support that team since he was six.
Alex has been supporting that team since he was six.
She / develop those green plans for months
She’s been developing those green plans for months
I/ do my homework for an hour.
I’ve been doing my homework for an hour.
us / has / encouraging / teacher / been / our
Our teacher has been encouraging us.
October / doing / we’ve / it / been / since
We’ve been doing it since October.
researching / I’ve / animals / endangered / been
I’ve been researching endangered animals.
habitats / Euan and Katie / been / learning / about / have
Euan and Katie have been learning about habitats.
been / our / class / has / doing / a / on / the / environment / project
Our class has been doing a project on the environment.