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NEE Week 2 Recap

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_________changes are provisioned during the bill cycle, and will result in prorations on the next bill.
On demand
__________will provision the new plan on the start of the customer's next bill cycle.
Future dating
___________ When provisioning the new plan on the start of the customer's next bill cycle.
future dating
This will provision the new plan for the start of the customers current bill cycle and the customer will then receive a credit for the old plan?
What is an example of a (ALP) account level plan?
5GB and 10GB shared data plan
What is an example a line level plan?
Mix and Match 4.0
Which plan only receives a line level access fee?
Line Level Plan
What type of plan receives an account ACCESS and line level access FEES?
(ALP) Account level plan
What are the two types of plans?
(ALP) Account Level Plan, (LLP) Line Level Plan
What resource would you use to see if a phone is 5g?
Equipment guide
Where would you go in ACSS to determine why current bill is higher than the previous bill?
Bill tab, compare bills or account and line charges
True or False: Payments can only be processed using My Verizon.
How can the customer process a payment for free?
Using My Verizon