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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much __________ (this dress/cost)? it _______(cost) 25 $
does this dress cost/costs
Why ___________ (Sarah/sit) on the sofa? I _________ (think) she is exhausted.
is Sarah sitting/think
I _______ (not understand) the reason. __________ (you/think) he will come to the party tomorrow?
don't uderstand/do you think
My mother _________ (taste) the soup at the moment. She says it _______ (taste) delicious!
is tasting/tastes
I _ (smell) the roses in the garden now. They ________ (smell) really well.
am smelling/smell
My parents usually __________ (fly) to Paris on holiday, but this summer they_________ (stay) home.
fly/are staying
Tom ___________ (see the dentist at the moment. He ______ (see) the dentist twice a year.
is seeing/sees
Our neighbours ______ (have) a party at the moment! They _______ (be) quite noisy.
are having/are
Steve ________ (have) big blue eyes.
This room ______(smell) badly. Let's open the windows!
My parents ___________ (live in Belgium. Where ___________ (your parents/live?
live/do your parents live?
My dad _________ (think) of kitting his job.
is thinking
My granfather usually ______ (grow) vegetables but this year he _________ (not/grow) any.
grows/isn't growing
_________(you/play) tennis this Sunday?
are you playing
I normally ________ (finish) work at five, but this week I ______ (work) until six to eran a little more money.
finish/am working
Today dad _____ (cook) lunch. That's nice. What __________ (he/usually/cook) for lunch?
is cooking/does he usually cook
My mum __________ (not/often/buy) tickets for the theatre.
doesn't often buy
We usually _____ (go) to school by car but today we ______ (ride) our bikes.
go/are riding
________(the Queen/speak English? Yes, she _____.
does the Queen speak/does
Wow! I _______(not/believe) it! It ______ (snow) in the middle of May!
don't believe/is snowing
Rachel _____ (be) in New York. She always ______(stay) at the Park Hotel when she's there.
A: Can you drive? B: I ______ (learn). My father _____(teach) me.
am learning/is teaching
Jane ________ (look) for a place to live. She ____ (stay) with her sister until she finds one.
is looking/is staying