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How to make Tuna Sandwiches
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If you want to divide your sandwich into 2 pieces, what would you say?
Cut it into 2 halves
What is the "VERB" that can be use for making coffee?
Brew coffee
Name the 3 ingredients that you use for making a sandwich.
2 slices of bread, 2 table spoons of Tuna, vegetables
What do you call this in English?
a slide of bread
If you finish making a sandwich and want the others to eat, what would you say?
The Tuna sandwich is ready to be served.
What kind of a kitchen utensil do you use to place materials for cutting?
Cutting Board or Chopping Board
Name the vegetables you use for making Tuna Sandwiches.
Lettuce, Tomato
After you open the can of tuna, what step will you do next for making a Tuna Sandwich?
Rinse out the water
What do you use to butter the bread?
Butter knife
How many slices of bread do you need for making a sandwich?