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Ecology Part 1

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True or False. A flash flood will impact a larger population more than a smaller population.
The maximum population an environment can hold.
carrying capacity
Population A has 10 ducks in a 10 acre pond. Population B has 200 ducks in a 100 acre pond. Which population is at the most risk for predation.
Population B. 2 ducks for each acre.
What is the correct order of classification starting with Kingdom and ending with species?
Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Two organisms produce an offspring (genetic make up of both parents)
sexually reproduce
An organism divides and produces an exact copy of itself
give an example of a density-independent factor
fire, drought, natural disaster, etc.
This is an image of a what type of graph
This is an example of what type of graph
What is Emmigration?
organismism leaving an area to go to another area
What is immigration?
organisms coming into the area from another area
( T / F ) When population density is high, disease is transmitted easily from one individual to another
The number of organisms per unit area is called
Population denisity
The process where N2 molecules in the air break apart and combine with other atoms to form ammonia.
Nitrogen Fixation or ammonification
. What is the process where water is converted into water vapor and is the first step in the Water Cycle?
True or False. The role of photosynthesis in Carbon-oxygen cycle is when plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere and use it to create glucose.
Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?
the sun
What is the process through which the plants lose water to the air?
What is the process where bacteria convert nitrogen to ammonium ions?
nitrogen fixation or ammonification
It is made up of interacting populations in a biological community and the community’s abiotic factors
Group of organisms, all of the same species, live in the same area at the same time
All the living organisms that inhabit an environment
biotic factors
Air currents, temperature, moisture, light, and soil are....
abiotic factors
Non living parts of an organism’s environment
abiotic factors
It extends from high in the atmosphere to the bottom of the oceans.
It is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment