Edit Game
Vocabulary 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-The death is so sad an bad
2.-Death?, death i want
1.-Monarchs have benefits
2.-What did it cost me to be born a monarch?
1.-I life in the republic of guatemala
2.-The republic that have is so bad
1.-I hope MY ENGLISH TEST is not tricky
2.-Tricky questions are so annoying
1.-I want to be sooooo rich in the future
2.-Rich persons have many things in the life
1.- the monarchy was unjust
2.-There is no longer a monarchy in many countries but in some it continues
1.-Little island close of the beach are beatiful
2.-The movies of we alone in a island we are just stressful
1.I listen of a robberty last week
2.-The preacution of robberty have to a lot
1.-Treaty of the past are very important
2.-Treaty are broken sometimes
1.-The intention is what counts i say :(
2.-The intention of try is very good
1.-The wars destroy many the world
2.-The wars socks
1.-I am the owner of mi dog
2.-the money that the creator of google has to have is a lot
1.-The revolution in the past affect many the future of now
2.-The revolution help many to move along like society
1.-The discovery of new things have to be interesant
2.-The discovery happen a lot
1.-Managing an empire has to be difficult
2.-empires are usually big
1.-Seeing an imperial palace would be very nice
2.-I would like to be imperial to wear a crown
1.-Today another student entered the school
2.-Today another student entered the school
1.-the suits that the emperors used in the past are made for me
2.-emperors have a high rank
1.-The arplains have many passengers
2.-The buses have passengers
1.-I din´t like tyrants
2.-The tyrants are so