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vocabulary 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. This is a tyrant person
2. There are many tyrant people in the world.
1. this is another mercedes
2. this is another animal
1. that person is the owner of that Maclaren
2. That person owns this property
1. The Republic of the United States has one of the best armies in the world.
2. The Republic of Brazil has the sixth best army in the world.
1. that person is an imperial person
2. Some people are imperial because they can be relatives of a monarch
1. England has had many monarchy
2. Spain has had many monarchy
1. The passenger is the person who is not driving the car
2. The passenger can eat, study etc.
1. The islands are a piece of land surrounded by the ocean
2. Cuba is an island
1. in 2021 there are 62.2 million rich people in the world
2. Some person rich have their cars modified
1. Queen Elizabeth 2 is the monarch of England
2. In 1479, King Ferdinand and Queen Elizabeth were the monarchs of Spain.
1. there were 2 world wars in the world
2. Now wars are chemical, they are no longer nuclear
1. That person intention to bring you a gift
2. That person had very good intentions
1. Some people death naturally
2. Some people fear death
1. The emperor sets the laws of the nation
2. Emperors can change the rules
1. This trouble is tricky
2. This test is tricky
1. The French Revolution was very bloody.
2. Some revolutions are peaceful
1. Some empires are huge
2. Some empires are small
1. That person is robbery my house
2. Some thieves robbery at night
1. Guatemala made a treaty with Israel
2. Lotan iso a treaty with the United States
1. Scientists discovered the vaccine so that the covid is not so strong
2. Some discoveries are historical