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Irregular Plurals Advanced 3/4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct or Incorrect? The course syllabus has been updated.
What's the plural of the following words? life - wolf - shelf
lives - wolves - shelves
Many businesses are finding Web video an attractive marketing (medium/media).
Correct or Incorrect: Their concrete shells are slowly being taken over by meadow grass and cacti, but they still dominate the landscape.
Correct or Incorrect: The bacteria that was found last week is currently being studied.
Incorrect - Correct or Incorrect: The bacterium that was found last week is currently being studied.
Correct or Incorrect? A natural extension of these preliminary findings is to create further criteria and plug in other intelligences.
This is a collection of all the input available - balance information from the inner ear, visual (stimulus/stimuli), etc.
Scientists have found viruses in other species, such as (fungus/fungi), plants, and insects, that help out their hosts.
Talken has a (criterion/criteria) of excellence which aims at having students getting the highest possible scores.
Scientists have captured the first detailed microscopy images of ultra-small (bacterium/bacteria) that are believed to be about as small as life can get.
Gravity is a natural (phenomenon/phenomena).
Sometimes they just look like pretty little (cactus/cacti) that make your hot water taste better.
Are the following words singular or plural? PARENTHESES - CRISES - DIAGNOSES
What's the correct plural form of the following words? DEER - FISH - SHEEP - TROUT
deer / fish / sheep / trout
Correct or Incorrect? All of the alumni are attending the reception at the president's house.
Correct or Incorrect? The fungi has spread throughout the garden.
Incorrect - The fungi have / The fungus has spread throughout the garden.
Correct or Incorrect? The teeth in the back of his mouth needs to be capped.
Incorrect - The teeth in the back of his mouth need to be capped.
Correct or Incorrect? The crisis is not going to be resolved until some of the pressure is relieved.
Correct or Incorrect? The diagnosis that he heard today were not very positive.
Incorrect - The diagnosis that he heard today was not very positive. / The diagnoses that he heard today were not very positive.
Correct or Incorret? Parentheses are needed around that expression.
Three (woman/ women/womans) are waiting in line.
Tigers have sharp (teeths / tooths / teeth)
My grandmother has four (childrens / children / childs)