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Items to evolve Pokemon

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What does Lombre need to evolve?
A water stone
What does Skitty need to evolve?
A moon stone
What does Shellder need to evolve?
A water stone
What does Happiny need to evovle?
An Oval Stone
What does Scyther need to evolve?
A metal coat
What does Rhydon need to evolve?
A protector
What does Porygon need to evolve?
An upgrade
What does Onix need to evolve?
A metal coat
What does Seadra need to evolve?
A dragon scale
What do Nidorino and Nidorina need to evolve?
A moon stone
What does Alolalan Vulpix need to evolve?
An ice stone
What does Snorunt need to evolve to Froslass?
A dusk stone
What does Roselia need to evolve?
A shiny stone
What does Sunkern need to evolve?
A sun stone for Bellossom and a leaf stone for Vileplume
What does Clefairy need to evolve?
A moon stone
What does Staryu need to evolve?
A water stone
What does Growlithe need to evolve?
A fire stone
What does Pikachu need to evolve?
A Thunderstone