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What was Le Loi's name when he became king? A. Lê Vương B. Lê Thái Tổ C. Lê Thận
B. Lê Thái Tổ
Which enemy did Le Loi's Lam Son uprising fight against? A. Ming Dynasty B. Tong Dynasty C. Han Dynasty
A. Ming Dynasty
Where is Le Loi from? A. Thăng Long B. Lam Sơn, Thanh Hoá C. Cổ Loa, Phú Thọ
B. Lam Sơn, Thanh Hoá
Why did King Ly Thai To name the new capital "Thang Long"? A. He saw a river looks like a dragon B. He saw a real dragon flying in the sky C. He saw a cloud looks like a golden dragon rising up
C. He saw a cloud looks like a golden dragon rising up
When did Ly Thai To move the capital from Hoa Lu to Dai La? A. 1009 B. 1010 C. 1020
B. 1010
Where did Ly Thai To decide to move the capital of the country to? A. Huế B. Hoa Lư C. Đại La
C. Đại La
Which king was raised in a temple as a child? A. LÃœ CÃŽng Uẩn B. Lê Lợi C. Nguyễn Huệ
A. LÜ CÎng Uẩn
What is the national title did Dinh Tien Hoang choose for our country? A. Đại Cồ Việt B. Đại Nam C. An Nam
A. Đại Cồ Việt
What great merit did Dinh Bo Linh have? A. Defeating the Mongol invaders B. Suppressing the rebellion of 12 warlords C. Capturing many soldiers
B. Suppressing the rebellion of 12 warlords
Since childhood, what did Dinh Bo Linh and his friends use to pretend to fight? A. Cotton Mop B. Cotton Grass C. Bamboo stick
B. Cotton Grass
After ascending the throne, which place did Ngo Quyen choose to be the capital? A. Thăng Long B. Hoa Lư C. Cổ Loa
C. Cổ Loa
What tactics did Ngo Quyen use to defeat the invaders? A. Put stakes in the river B. Burn the boats C. Hide under the water
A. Put stakes in the river
Where is Ngo Quyen from? A. Đường Lâm Village B. Phú Thọ C. Bạch Đằng
A. Đường Lâm Village
In what year did the Bach Dang battle take place? A. 938 B. 939 C. 944
A. 938
On which river did Ngo Quyen defeat the Southern Han army? A. Red River B. Bạch Đằng River C. Kim Ngưu River
B. Bạch Đằng River
When being chased by the enemy and stuck, what did Hai Ba Trung do? A. Surrender (đầu hàng) B. Jump into Hát River C. Run to another country
B. Jump into Hát Rive
Where did Hai Ba Trung's uprising break out? A. Mê Linh B. Thanh Hoá C. Lam Sơn
A. Mê Linh
What was Trung Trac's name when she became queen? A. Trưng nữ Vương B. Trưng Đế C. Đế Trưng Vương
A. Trưng nữ Vương
What are the names of Trung sisters? A. Trưng Vương, Bà Triệu B. Trưng Nhị, Trưng Triệu C. Trưng Trắc, Trưng Nhị
C. Trưng Trắc, Trưng Nhị