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Vocabulary 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Robbery: There was an armed robbery at the national bank.
Robbery of moulds and plans at first loss.
Island: I have a island.
My island have pool and restaurant.
Intention: I have a good intetion.
My intention is to be your friend.
Rich: My grandma is rich.
Taylor Swift is rich.
War: And had to bury their roots during the Great War.
I don´t like the war.
Tricky: Natural Sciences is tricky.
Create our own collection of tricky outfits for the guy.
Death: Death from an unexplained acute respiratory illness
This causes the paralysis or death of the parasites.
Passenger: Passenger who lost his ticket, come to the information office.
Passenger should register their address in Kuwait when applying for the visa.
Another: Another excellent writer with a direct style is Ernest Hemingway.
Another example is the tweet by Jeff Drake, a writer.
Owner: Owner was very helpful and we had a great week.
Owner has done repairs, freshly painted and new carpets.
Tyrant: The City of Night ruled by the Great Tyrant.
Tyrant children and parental weakness in setting limits.
Treaty: This Treaty has been part of the EC since 1957.
The Treaty of Lisbon came into force six months ago.
Revolution: The ruling class has many strategies for defeating a Revolution.
The Cultural Revolution began in 1966 and ended in 1976.
Republic: Mexico is a republic.
Flights between the capitals of Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
Monarchy: The British Monarchy has had little luck in love.
The British Monarchy always has been and always will be.
Monarch: It also serves as the host plant for Monarch caterpillars.
I've been briefed... on your work with Operation Monarch
Imperial: The protective wards assembled by the Imperial shugenja were strong.
It is required viewing for all members of the Imperial forces.
Empire: In the Roman Empire this region was known as Pannonia.
This Empire is uni-polar and concentric by its very nature.
Emperor: The king, an emperor from the solar dynasty, was helpless.
To be an emperor, one cannot depend on anybody.
Discovery: This is achieved by the discovery of two identical cards.
Look, finding this flower is a discovery for science.