Edit Game
vocabulary 4 unit 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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creative:producing or using original and unusual ideas:
adjetive:i am creative
crafts:skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects; a job or activity that needs skill and experience, or something produced using skill and experience:
noun:i have crafts in the classes
sculptures:the art of forming solid objects that represent a thing, person, idea, etc. out of a material such as wood, clay, metal, or stone, or an object made in this way:
noun:i haveseen a lot of sculptures
inventors:someone who has invented something or whose job is to invent things
noun:i never invent something
shoting hoops:to try to score points for yourself or your team, in sports involving a ball, by kicking, hitting, or throwing the ball towards the goal:
verb: i do that in the basketball
useful:effective; helping you to do or achieve something
Adjetive:i have be useful
Test:a way of discovering, by questions or practical activities, what someone knows, or what someone or something can do or is like:
verb y noun:i have a test in the class
prototype:the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed:
noun:i create my prototype
part:some but not all of a thing:
noun:the legos have parts
idea:a suggestion or plan for doing something:
noun:in the class i have an idea
improve:to make something better
verb:i have to improve some times
imagination:the ability to form pictures in the mind:
noun:i imaginate that i was fliyng
diagram:a simple plan that represents a machine, system, or idea, etc., often drawn to explain how it works
noun:i don´t now diagram of a computer
calculate:to judge the number or amount of something by using the information that you already have, and adding, taking away, multiplying, or dividing numbers:
verb:i calculate in math
assemble:to make something by joining separate parts:
verb:i assemble one puzzle
accidental:happening or existing by chance:
adjetive:i accidental heat my self