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Schools around the state and world

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In this country, if a student or staff has tested positive, the entire school has had to quarantine in the school and sleep there overnight. Guests at Disneyland have also been caught in lockdowns and not permitted to leave owing to Covid.
Name three states in the US that have banned critical race theory being taught in schools?
Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee.... so far......
Students in this country eat rice, soup, and oranges for lunch.
Students in this country eat rice, beans, and mixed vegetables for lunch
In _______ students are served fried donuts.
Children in _________, use inflated tire tubes to cross a river on their way to school.
In this country, "school buses" involve kids piling into and hanging off the back of ordinary trucks.
In ___________ kids ride their bikes through air thick with smog. Air pollution levels have risen steadily in the country in recent years.
Central Kalimantan which is a province of Indonesia,
In the country of _____, students pray during the school day.
India How do you feel about prayer in school?
In some school districts in this state the school year started at the beginning of August.
Name as many books as you can on the banned book list. Go!
The bluest eye, Catcher in the Rye, Slaughterhouse 5, The Glass Castle, Anne Frank. What do you think about censoring what students can read in school?
For a limited time, individuals ages 13-21 can apply for a free library card in this city and state, providing access to the full eBook collection as well as their learning databases of banned books.
Brooklyn Public Library in NYC.
Prospective teachers in this state are only required to have served 4 years in the military to become a classroom teacher.
Teachers in this state are only required to be registered in college. So your teacher can be an 18 year old student with no teaching experience.
This state re-instated a law allowing teachers to use corporal punishment in public schools if parents agree. So teachers can now spank their students.
New York
In the sunshine state teachers are no longer permitted to portray PRIDE flags and students are not allowed to wear rainbow colors in school.