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How much ...?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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B: ขนม 1 ถุง ราคา 23 บาท
B: It is twenty-five baht.
B: ช็อกโกแลต 3 แท่ง ราคา 95 บาท
B: They are ninety-five baht.
A:______ 10 bars of chocolate?
How much are 
A:______ 4 bottles of orange juice?
How much are 
A:______ 3 jars of jam?
How much are 
B: น้ำส้ม 2 กล่อง ราคา 65 บาท
B: They are sixty-five baht.
B: น้ำ 1 ขวด ราคา 25 บาท
B: It is twenty-five baht.
A:______ they?
How much are 
A:______ 3 bottles of cola?
How much are
A:______2 bags of rice?
How much are 
A:______ an apple?
How much is
A:______a bar of chocolate?
How much is 
A:______a can of soda?
How much is 
A:______a bag of potato chips?
How much is 
A:______a piece of cake?
How much is 
A:______a carton of milk?
How much is