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iSTEM Quiz 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Mrs. Webb's first name?
What is Mrs. Webb's favorite drink?
Diet Coke
What grade did Mrs. Webb teach before teaching 6th?
What grade is Mrs. Webb's daughter in?
What is Mrs. Webb's daughter's name?
What name one thing Mrs. Webb loves?
Answers will vary.
What is your favorite class?
iSTEM, of course!
Why are observations an important part of designing a solution to a problem?
Answers will vary.
True or False. A prototype must ALWAYS be successful.
Explain a time when someone other than an engineer could use the EDP.
Answers will vary.
Give an example of brainstorming.
Answers will vary.
During the ITERATE step in the EDP, explain what happens.
Changes are made.
Explain the EDP using the Taco Dinner Party scenario.
Answers may vary.
Explain how to solve for the mean given a set of data.
Add and divide.
What is the difference between science and engineering?
Science = ?s Engineering = Designing a solution to a problem
Explain the EDP---STEP BY STEP.
See image
What does -ologist mean when added to a word? Give an example.
One or studies or performs a specific function. (Radiologist, virologist, cryptozoologist, etc.)
Name the four types of engineering in alphabetical order.
Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical
Which type of engineer is responsible for...AIRPORTS?
Which type of engineer is responsible for...GENERATORS?
Which type of engineer is responsible for...TUNNELS?
Which type of engineer is responsible for...PESTICIDES
Which type of engineer is responsible for...ELEVATORS?
Which type of engineer is responsible for...Satellites?
Which type of engineer is responsible for...Power Grids?
Which type of engineer is responsible for...ENGINES?
Which type of engineer is responsible for...MEDICINES?
Which type of engineer is responsible for...ROADS?
What are multiple solutions to a problem?
What is a working model used to test a design concept by making observations and necessary adjustments?
What is a limitation or a restriction?
What is a process of turning ideas and imagination into devices and systems?
What is a process of modifying an existing product or system to improve it?
What is used to communicate and test design ideas and processes?
What is the formulation of a plan to help an engineer build a product with a specific performance goal?
Engineering Design Process