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Express that two things vary together - MF4 - 2B

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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... ((more) exercises you do before the test, ... (few) mistakes you'll make.
The more ... the fewer
... (high) he jumps, ... (effective) he is for his team!
The higher ...the more effective
... (tall) he gets, ... (professional) he becomes at basketball.
The taller ... the more professional
... (more) fruit and vegetables you eat, ... (less) chance you have of getting cancer.
The more... the less
... (more) I thought about Carrie’s suggestion, ... (doubtful) I became.
The more ... the more doubtful
... (high) the unemployment rate,... (bad) the level of violence.
The higher ... the worse
... (good) the education you have, ... (great) the opportunities you will have.
The better ... the greater
... (good) the planning, ... (good) the experience.
The better... the better
... (good) the sleep, ... (more) rested the mind.
The better ... the more
... (large) the paycheck, ... (less) you take home.
The larger ... the less
... (high) they rise, ... (hard) they fall.
The higher...the harder
... we looked, ... stuff we found lying on the floor. Fortunately, we were not hurt.
The more ... the more
... (loud) it became, ... we understood that we needed to take cover.
The louder ... the more