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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm looking forward to go on vacation.
I'm looking forward to going on vacation.
Five years old children are usually selfish.
Five-year-old children are usually selfish.
I felt very sorry after I've seen your report.
I felt very sorry after I saw your report.
He claims being an expert in genetics.
He claims TO BE an expert in genetics.
My eldest son who lives in Paris is a physicist.
My eldest son, who lives in Paris, is a physicist.
He's the one to whom I gave the book to.
He's the one to whom I gave the book. / He's the one to who/that I gave the book to.
Have you got information enough to object about the factory noise?
Have you got ENOUGH information to object TO the factory noise?
I saw a bit of lightning when I was out in the garden.
I saw a FLASH OF lightning when I was out in the garden.
He asked me where was the police station.
He asked me where the police station was.
I've gone out beer. I used to like it, but I only drink wine now.
I've gone off beer. I used to like it, but I only drink wine now.
I lived in Las Vegas for ten years and I am still finding it exciting.
I HAVE lived in Las Vegas for ten years and I still FIND it exciting.
It’s taken me ages to get out of the flu.
It’s taken me ages to GET OVER the flu.
Let me give you an advice - don't go on a travel without checking whether you need any visa or not.
Let me give you SOME / A PIECE OF advice - don't go on a TRIP / JOURNEY without checking whether you need any visa or not.
John plays piano and he also plays the football, whereas his brother prefers playing the chess.
John plays THE piano and he also plays - football, whereas his brother prefers playing - chess.
Her house, which roof is thatched, is twelfth century.
Her house, WHOSE roof is thatched, is twelfth century.
I need to come out with more video ideas for my YouTube Channel.
I need to COME UP WITH more video ideas for my YouTube Channel.
I have so a lot of work to do, I don't know where to start.
I have a lot of work to do... / I have so MUCH work to do, that I don't know....
There are too much traffic in our town.
There IS too much traffic in our town.