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Lab Safety

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mrs. Waggoner accidentally spills a chemical on her arm, what should she do?
Quick walk to and use the Safety Shower
Look at your teacher, what is one thing they need to change to be ready for a lab?
Tie up hair, lab coat, goggles, closed toe shoes, etc.
List one safe task to do after finishing up a lab
Clean up workspace, washing hands especially if any chemicals were spilled, returning all equipment to it's proper place
Is it ok to ask the teacher a question or to repeat instructions?
Yes! Yes! and Yes!
What should I do if my shirt catches on fire?
Stop, Drop & Roll and have the fire blanket thrown on by lab partner/teacher
Can I wear flip flops in the lab?
True or False: It's ok to walk & talk around the room with a friend during a lab
Mrs. Jordan is doing a lab with sharp objects, is it necessary for her to wear goggles?
What should I immediately do if I get chemicals in my eye?
Use the eye wash station
Am I allowed to eat and drink during a lab?
How is the safest way to smell an unknown chemical?
Hold the container 5-10 inches away and waft (wave hand)
List 3 good lab safety practices
Tying back long hair, closed toe shoes, wearing goggles/lab coat/gloves, informing a teacher when there's a spill, etc.
What should happen if glass breaks in the lab?
Inform the teacher so they can place the glass in the designated broken glass container
Who should you report lab accidents to?
The teacher in charge
What is the correct way to dispose chemicals used in the lab?
Ask your teacher the correct way to dispose of that specific chemical.