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Guessing fruits

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am a vegetable. I am small and brown. I grow under the ground. Who am I?
I am a potato.
I am a fruit. I am yellow and very sour. Who am I?
I am a lemon.
I am long and green. I am a vegetable. Who am I?
I am a cucumber.
I am a fruit. I am small and red. I have many seeds on the outside. Who am I?
I am a strawberry.
I am a fruit. I am long and yellow. Who am I?
I am a banana.
I am a fruit. I am fuzzy and pink. People usually say I taste very sweet. Who am I?
I am a peach.
I am big. I am red on the inside and green on the outside. I look like an oval. Who am I?
I am a watermelon.
I am a fruit. I am very crunchy. My skin is red. Eating me is very good for your health. Who am I?
I am an apple.
I am juicy. My skin is orange. Who am I?
I am an orange.