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Present Simple & Past Simple

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ___ (wake up) late because I ___ (study) all night last night.
woke up / studied
I ___ (give) you all my money yesterday so I ___ (not have) any money today.
gave / don't have
I am sorry, I ___ (forget) your name.
I ___ (do) my homework five minutes ago. ___ (I, watch, can) TV now?
did / can I watch
My cousin ____ (become) a university professor last month.
A: ___ (you, know) this man? B: Maybe. I think we ___ (meet) at a party last summer.
Do you know / met
We ___ (not know) the answer last lesson and we still ___ (not know) the answer today.
didn't know / don't know
I ___ (sleep) well last night. And you? How ___ (you, sleep)?
slept / did you sleep
___ (you, want) to come to the cinema with me? No, I ___ (be) there yesterday.
Do you want / was
Emil ___ (eat) a lot of vegetables when he ___ (be) a child, but he ____ (hate) veggies now.
ate / was / hates
Tom and Jerry ___ (love) strawberries so they ___ (eat) them every day, but their sister never ___ (eat) strawberries because she ___ (be) allergic.
love / eat / eats / is
Martha ___ (not buy) any food this morning because she ___ (spend) all her money on shoes.
didn't buy / spent
___ (Jack and Jim, swim, always) in / on / at night? Yes, ____.
Do Jack and Jim always swim at night / they do
A: ___ (it, rain) last weekend? B: No, it ____.
Did it rain / didn't
A: How __ (Tanya, come) home yesterday? B: She ___ (come) home by taxi.
did Tanya come / came
A: Who ___ (you, see) last night? B: I ___ (see) Barbara, but I ___ (not see) Jane.
did you see / saw / didn't see
Jim always ___ (go) to school by bus, but yesterday he ___ (go) to school by car.
goes / went
Last Tuesday, we ___ (fly) from Madrid to London. We ___ (be) still in London.
flew / are
Tommy ___ (work) in a bank until 2012.
A: How old __ (be) Susie? B: 22. Last year she __ (be) 21.
is / was
A: ___ (be) your parents well? B: Yes. Thank you for asking. They ___ (feel) sick yesterday, but everything ___ (be) fine today.
are / felt / is
A: Excuse me, where ___ (be) the bus stop? B: ____ (walk) straight to the end of the street.
is / walk
Which irregular verb has a different past tense form?
I ____ (go, always) to work by car now, but last year I ____ (not have) a car so I ___ (walk) to work.
always go / didn't have / walked
It ___ (cost) a lot of money to stay at this luxury hotel. We can't afford it.
The shop ___ (open) at 9 am and ____ (close) at 5.30 pm on Sundays.
opens / closes