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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Warfare: the activity of fighting a war, often including the weapons and methods that are used
Warfare: the activity of fighting a war, often including the weapons and methods that are used
Ally: a nation, group or person united with one or more others to achieve a common goal.
Ally: a nation, group or person united with one or more others to achieve a common goal.
Attack: the act of attacking.
Attack: the act of attacking.
Battle: to fight or struggle.
Battle: to fight or struggle.
Bomb: a container filled with explosives that is used as a weapon to hurt people and damage property.
Bomb: a container filled with explosives that is used as a weapon to hurt people and damage property.
Civilian: someone who is not in the armed forces.
Civilian: someone who is not in the armed forces.
Defend: to protect from danger
Defend: to protect from danger
Invade: to enter a community or region in order to control it.
Invade: to enter a community or region in order to control it.
Missile: a weapon propelled or thrown through the air at a target.
Missile: a weapon propelled or thrown through the air at a target.
Rebel: to refuse to obey authority.
Rebel: to refuse to obey authority.
Refugee: a person who has left his or her own country.
Refugee: a person who has left his or her own country.
Siege: a military operation in which an enemy force sorruounds a community and cuts off its supplies to force it to surrender.
Siege: a military operation in which an enemy force sorruounds a community and cuts off its supplies to force it to surrender.
Surrender: to give up in a fight.
Surrender: to give up in a fight.
Terrorism: the use or threat of violence.
Terrorism: the use or threat of violence.
Terrorist: a person who uses violence.
Terrorist: a person who uses violence.
War: an armed conflict between countries.
War: an armed conflict between countries.
History: the study of past events.
History: the study of past events.
Civil War: a war between different groups within the same nation.
Civil War: a war between different groups within the same nation.
Conflict: a fight, battle or war.
Conflict: a fight, battle or war.
Declaration: a formal announcement.
Declaration: a formal announcement.