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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell: When are good times to ask to go to the bathroom?
Not in the first or last 5 minutes, when the teacher isn't giving a lesson or directions.
Show: How should you enter the room?
Get a do now from the bin. Find your seat. Sit down and start working. Voice level zero.
Tell: How can we show Determination while working with a partner?
Try multiple strategies, keep going even if it's tricky
Show and tell: What does it look like for you to be ready for a lesson?
Sitting up, eyes on the board, voice level zero.
Tell: How many students should be out of the room at one time?
Show and tell: How should I ask for water?
W symbol, wait for permission
True or false: I can go sit on the couch any time I'd like.
Show and tell: What is the expected way to line up?
Wait until your group is called, voice level 0 in line, wait at the door
Tell: where should your math notebooks go?
In the drawer for your homeroom.
Tell: How many times should you go into the hallway during each class?
True or false: It's an unexpected behavior to share food with friends.
True or false: it's OK for me to sit anywhere I want in the cafeteria.
Tell: what are the expectations for the bathroom at Walker?
One in, one in line
Show and tell: how should you ask to go to the bathroom?
crossed finger, wait for permission
Tell: what are expectations for phones at recess?
Off and away.
Show and tell: how should you walk in the hallway?
Voice level 0, on the right