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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does "An chơi diều" mean? (Note: "chơi" means "play")
An play kite.
What does "Linh mặc đầm." mean? (Note: "mặc" means "wear")
Linh wears a dress.
How to say "scissor" ?
What does "bút chì" mean?
How to say "Linh and An eat bread." ?
Linh và An ăn bánh mì.
How to say "Mom has red leather wallet." ?
Mẹ có ví da đỏ.
How to say "Linh eats rice, An eats millet." ?
Linh ăn cơm, An ăn kê.
How do you call your mother's younger sister in Vietnamese?
What does "Kệ sách" mean? (Note: "sách" means "book")
What does "An sưu tập nhiều bi." mean? (Note: "sưu tập" means "collect")
An collects many marbles.
"đậu" means the same as "đỗ", what is "đậu" or "đỗ" in English?
What does "Linh đi trên bờ đê." mean?
Linh walks on the dike.
What does "Bờ đê" mean?
The dam/dike.
What does "Con dê ăn cỏ." mean?
Goat eats grass.
What does "An đi chợ mua hạt dẻ." mean?
An went to the market to buy chestnuts.
How to say "Aunt has pumpkin." ?
Dì có bí đỏ.
How to say "Teacher has red bean." ?
Cô có đỗ đỏ.