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Agree & Disagree

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I wasn't on vacation last month. (disagree)
Well, I was.
I wasn't on vacation last month. (agree)
Neither was I.
I didn't vist New York. (disagree)
Really? I did.
I didn't visit New York. (agree)
Neither did I.
I don't play soccer. (disagree)
Oh, I do.
I don't play soccer. (agree)
Niether do I.
I went to work yesterday. (disagree)
Oh, I didn't.
I went to work yesterday. (agree)
So did I.
I don't like sushi. (disagree)
Really? I do.
I don't like sushi. (agree)
Neither do I.
I wasn’t sick last week. (disagree)
Oh, I was.
I wasn’t sick last week. (agree)
Neither was I.
I don’t go to school on foot. (disagree)
Well, I do.
I don’t go to school on foot. (agree)
Neither do I.
I lost my wallet yesterday. (dissagree)
Really? I didn't.
I lost my wallet yesterday. (agree)
So did I.
I can play chess, but not very well. (disagree)
Well, I can.
I can play chess, but not very well. (agree)
Neither can I.
I’m not going to travel next month. (disagree)
Well, I am.
I’m not going to travel next month. (agree)
Neither am I.
I was at school last morning. (disagree)
Really? I wasn't.
I was at school last morning. (agree)
So was I.
I didn’t stay home last weekend. (disagree)
Oh, I did.
I didn’t stay home last weekend. (agree)
Neither did I.
I can’t drive very well. (disagree)
Well, I can.
I can’t drive very well. (agree)
Neither can I.
I play volleyball twice a week. (disagree)
Really? I don't.
I play volleyball twice a week. (agree)
So do I.
I am tired today. (disagree)
Really? I'm not.
I am tired today. (agree)
So am I.