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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A silent member of the Seven who possesses superhuman strength and agility and conceals his physical appearance behind a dark costume.
Earving / Black Noir
A member of the Seven who possesses the ability to communicate with aquatic life and breathe underwater.
Kevin Moskowitz / The Deep
the fastest speedster in the world, addicted to Compound V
Reggie Franklin / A-Train[
The leader of the Seven and the strongest superhero in the world
John / Homelande
A civilian tech specialist who joins the Boys after his girlfriend Robin is killed by A-Train.
Hugh "Hughie" Campbell
Who becomes a spy for the Boys?
Annie becomes a spy for The Boys and helps them leak the truth of Compound V to the press
a young and hopeful heroine forced to face the truth
Annie January/ Starlight
who despises all Supes?
Billy Butcher
What does Vought International do?
Vought International markets and monetizes them.
How does the corporation known as ?
Vought International
How do they call superpowered individuals ?