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Section 1 Diary of a Wimpy Kid

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What does "permanent" mean?
How did Greg and Rowley escape from the teenagers?
went to grandma's house
What did Greg yell that got him and Rowley into trouble later?
we're calling the cops
What did the teenagers on the truck do to Greg and Rowley?
They extinguished water at them and made them wet.
Why did Dad follow Greg and Rowley on trick-or-treat?
Because Manny would join, so Mom was afraid that Greg and Rowley would go outside the neighborhood.
What was Greg's costume for Halloween?
What did Mom do to the video games when Greg was grounded?
HE installed a bunch of educational video games and forced Manny to watch them.
What happened to the little kid that Rowley and Greg scared?
He curled up underneath the bed and never crawled out from under there.
What was the name of Greg and Rowley's haunting house?
The Hall of SCreams
Why did Greg feel embarrassed when Mom told the chainsaw man to stop scaring him and Rodrick?
Because in the haunting house, it was his job to scare people. The fact that she stepped in made Greg and Rodrick feel awkward.
Greg applied for the treasurer position in his school. What did a treasurer do?
Decided on how money was used in school.
Why did Rodrick get into trouble with Mom?
He watched a heavy metal magazine with a picture of a woman in a bikini, and Manny brought it to his school and tell other kids.
What did it mean when Dad said the word "Friend"?
IT meant that Dad was serious and scolding Greg.
What game did Greg and Rodrick play with the personal music players and headphones?
They tried to shake them off without using their hands. Who could shake the headphones off in the shortest amount of time won.
Why did Rodrick get headphones?
Because the music would not play out loud and Mom would stop dancing
What did Greg's mom do when Rodrick played his band music on the CD?
She would dance
What did Greg do to make his dad think he was being "active"?
He got wet from the neighbor's sprinkler so that he looked like he was sweating from exercising.
Give one example to show Mom and Dad protect Manny like a prince
He drew on the bedroom door in a permanent marker, but Mom and Dad were totally okay with it.
Why did Greg try avoiding Rowley since the first day of school?
Because Greg embarrassed Rowley for asking him to go to his house and "play," not "hang out".
Who was Greg's bestfriend?
Did Greg want to be in Gifted group or the Easy group?
Easy group
How did Rodrick trick Greg to wake up in the middle of the night in summer vacation?
He told Greg it was school time while he dressed up in school uniform, set an alarm, and closed the curtains.
What were the names of Greg's brother?
Rodrick and Manny
What was the Cheese Touch?
IF you get the Cheese Touch, you are stuck with it until you pass it on to someone else.
What was Greg's biggest advice on the first day of school ?
Choose the seat carefully because the seat is permanent
Who bullied Greg in middle school?
big, mean kids who shaved twice a day
Why did Greg write the diary?
Because when he became rich and famous, he could just send the diary to people instead of asking questions about his past life.