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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do you go if you need to see the school nurse?
The Front Office by the main entrance
What is your Math Teacher's name?
Mr. Fujiwara
What is the school Mascot?
What will happen if you don't try on your classwork?
Teachers will contact your parents and principals to find a solution.
If you are not feeling well in class you should ___________________.
Ask the teacher to write a pass to see the school nurse.
What room number is your Math class?
What time is dismissal?
2:55 pm
What should you do if you see someone doing something unsafe?
Tell an adult right away. A teacher, one of our principals, a counselor, or the security officer.
If you miss your bus at the end of the day what should you do?
Go to the front office and tell an administrator.
Is it okay to use your phone during class?
No. Phone should be put away during school.
True or false: You can get a referral for standing on your desk.
Yes. You can get a referral for any unsafe behavior.
What time does 1st period start?
8:15 am
True or False: If you are late to class it is okay to run.
False. No running in the hallways or classrooms
You can receive _____ ______ for participating in class, acting responsibly, working together, and staying safe.
Paws Bucks
Which desk should you sit at?
The desk with your assigned number on it
How do we walk as a class in the hallways?
Single file line
What should you do when a classmate is speaking?
Be quiet and listen 
Unscramble:  What should you bring with you to school? L E T O B T  O F T R E W A
Bottle of water
Do you need to bring your textbook to class?
No.  We will not be using a textbook this year.
We are a team!  Unscramble the phrase:   other/ always/ each/ help
Always help each other
Unscramble the school supply?A R R E E S
Can you eat in the classroom.
Yes.  As long as you throw away your trash.  
Unscramble the  word? L I N C E P
If you have a question or want to share an idea during a lesson you should ________________.
Always put your hand up
What should you be doing during the morning announcements?
Listening because there is important information about that day.  
What should you bring with you to every class?
Your school computer and charger
How can your class gain 10 yards each class period in our Math Football game?
Every student must turn in the assignment for the day.
When you come into class what is the first thing you do?
Pick up your notebook and start on the warm-up 
Say 3 things you should bring to class?
pencil, computer, charger, agenda, water bottle
What is the hand signal to ask to go to the bathroom?
Crossing your fingers = Can I go to the toilet please?
We should always keep our classroom space _______ and ______. 
Neat and Tidy (Clean and Safe)
What should you do when the teacher rings the chime?
Stop everything, Look, and Listen