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Competitive advantage

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Your company offers the best cars on the market at relatively affordable prices. You currently have no competitors regarding the features your cars have. Why is this an example of product differentiation?
Because any kind of new product by a company is an example o
Because you are advertising the car as relatively affordable
Because you are advertising the unique features of the produ
Because the quality of your products is very high.
Thomas owns a large IT company. He attempts to gain an upper hand in the market by using very skilled workers and inexpensive raw materials. Overall, he is very focused on controlling the costs in order to maximize the value of his products
All the answers are correct
He is minimizing the costs of his products
He is controlling costs in every segment of production.
He advertises that his products are very cheap.
McDonalds and Burger King are direct competitors
The specific group of customers at which a company aims its products or services
Focus strategy
Cost leadership strategy
Differentiation strategy
One type of competitive advantage is a special feature of your product that is not offered by the products of your competitors.
Which of the three is not a strategy to build a competitive advantage?
cost leadership
When competition is fierce in a market, rivalry among existing competitors is high.
When Apple introduces the new iPhone in 2007, they used this strategy:
cost leadership
A product or service that an organisation's customers place a greater value on than similar offering from a competitor is the definition of:
Competitive advantage
Competitive disadvantage
competitive strategy
First mover advantage
Coca-cola decided to sell their brand of mineral water called Dasani in the Malaysian market. This is an example of what type of business strategy?
Entering new markets
Developing new product or services
Increasing customer loyalty
Attracting new customers
Which of the following is NOT a strategy to build a competitive advantage?
Decreasing sales
Developing new product or services
Entering new markets
Increasing customer loyalty
Competitive advantage
business plan
business strategy
business challenge
business goals