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Vocabulary 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-How disgusting is a warfare
2.-I don´t like warfare
1.-The terrorist make terrorism
2.-I look a movie about a terrorism it was some burred for me
1.-For not be rebel you need education
2.-The rebel persons normaly are bad
1.-I never had lloked a siege
2.-Siege looks very cool
1.-having a conflict is ugly because you hold a grudge against someone.
2.-Having a conflict can break friendships
1.-Terrorists are bad people
2.-The appereance of the terrorism is something scary
1.-I don´t like civil war and any other war
2.-Civil war is bad
1.-Study history sometimes is beautiful
2.-Study history sometimes can be so sad for the bad things that happen in the past
1.-Bombs are dangerous things
2.-The bombs can blow an affect so many things
1.-The wars are so violent and disgusting
2.-The wars can affect a city or a country very fast
1.-Wen someting is turning bad the best is surrender
2.-Surrender is way to finish all
1.-You can defend yourself
2.-Sometimes you need to protect you defend
1.-The animales can attack humans
2.-Look attacks is very disgusting
1.-Im a normal civilian
2.-How borred be a civilian
1.-Battles are terrible
2.-Battles are violent
1.-Have ally is good because they can be your soport
2.-Allys are more than a friend
1.-My house is my refugge
2.-The poors persons search refugge
1.-I want aliens invade the world :)
2.-By room are invade of toys
1.-The cops ask for a declaration.
2.-In the past the persons need to write many declaration