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Civic responsibilities

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Registering and voting in elections is a
What is one example of a civic responsibility?
Voting and deciding how to vote
Bashing both Trump and Clinton
eating healthy foods
Not wearing deoderant
What is one example of a CIVIC responsibility?
Being informed about public issues
Freedom to not take a bath everyday.
Playing volleyball (because it is better than softball)
Singing a solo in choir
What do you like to do most in your free time?
Plant flowers or trees, garden, or simply be outside with nature: it's so beautiful!; Laugh, play, and read books with children: their carefree attitude is cont
This community is found very close to a city
Some features of Urban communities are
busy streets, crowded with people and tall buildings
big houses with yards,
quiet and have less people
houses are far apart from each other and not many people
What is a characteristic of a rural community?
all of the above
Civic responsibilities
all of the above
My house and school
A place where people live, work, and play
A place where people eat, bath, and laugh
The duties and responsibilities of a citizen are known as
Civic responsibilities